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Litudinem County begins cleanup of Lyn River

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

The Lyn river, which cuts through the very heart of Litudinem City, has been considered to be highly polluted for some time. In fact, it has been classified as "toxic" by the Federal River and Stream Conservation Administration since 1997. Now efforts are finally being made to cleanup the river.

In the spring of 2016, a petition was taken to the Litudinem County Board of Health demanding that the river be cleaned as it posed "health risks to the general public of Litudinem City and County" along with a detrimental impact on the river's native wildlife. The petition cited rising recorded cases of Cholera, Typhoid and other water-borne diseases, especially in individuals living near the river as their main reason for taking forth the petition.

That summer, the County Board worked with a non-profit agency to devise a working plan for cleaning up the river and keeping it clean. The board decided on upgrading the city's primary sewage treatment plant (in order to reduce waste that entered the river), installing new policies to minimize trash dumping(directed primarily at industries), and stocking the river to encourage bio-diversity after the cleanup makes headway. This plan is now taking effect with contractors having started work on the sewage plant last Monday and with the policies taking effect later this coming week.

In a press release, Angela Johnson, Litudinem City Mayor told said, "Together, we will make the Lyn river the clean and majestic waterway it once was. However, we can't do it alone. We need every citizen of Litudinem County to follow all of our new policies to insure a brighter future!"

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